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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Schult

Legal Disclaimer

Updated: Jun 30, 2020

I am an Amazon Associate and I may earn a small commission from the affiliated links in my posts. This is at no cost to you, and does not effect the price of the product or shipping.

I love crafting and bringing joy to other people's lives, and sometimes in order to do so, I will add links that I am able to make a small commission off of, in order to keep this website going.

I do not, nor am I claiming, to own any of the ideas presented through this blog, unless otherwise specified. All photos and recipes have the original link to the site they were borrowed from, and are not my own. If asked to take them down I will happily oblige, but I am using their ideas to help others find ideas that are similar in nature.

Although "The Creative Escape" is not copyrighted, I have made this blog, and all posts within this blog, on my own, and created cover photos for all these blog posts.

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